So gambaq atas ni adalah list of books yang aku baca sepanjang 2015 ni. I still have another 4 books to read ntk pastikan I achieve my goals. Aku kira dah banyak dah , rupanya secoet jaa ! Cis. Kecewa dengan diri sendiri. Among all these books, I gave 5 stars to The Wild Truth. Ini sambungan kepada Into The Wild. Cerita pasal this guy Alex McCandless yang went to Alaska hitchhiking alone and found dead few months after that. So The Wild Truth is the book where kakak kpd Alex ni cerita kan semula apa yg sebenarnya terjadi. Carine cerita habis-habis pasal her family and what really happened to her brother. And thats make me feel very angry towards their father. Rasa macam nak tumbuk ayah dia, very abusive and evil. When I read Into The Wild aku rasa macam "omg kesian gila dekat Alex" that I almost cry. Bila baca The Wild Truth, aku teriak teruih ! Teriak sebab it is based on true event. Aku ni bukan boleh baca anything yg based on true events coz I will imagine that thing.
This year I did noticed that I read a lot of adventurous stuff and about travelling etc.. Maybe to motivate myself to see the world too. I hope my enthusiasm level when I read the book wont drop down and continue to encouraged myself to do more in my life.Thursday, 17 December 2015
Bookworm vs bookdragon
So I just finished The Perks of Being A Wallflower last night. I try to read as fast as I can as to reach my goal. Gol ape? To read 30 books in 2015. To be honest aku rasa I have read more than that, cuma sometimes aku terlupa nak update kat .
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Meet And Greet with Mat
Assalamualaikum wbt...
Hurmmmm, how do I start this eh? Well yesterday I went to MPH Nu Sentral. Alone. Sebab Mira malas keluar coz of new LRT fare yang kinda bullshit tu. Alahai, if JB & Ipoh aku boleh pi sengsorang, setakat Nu Sentral ape de hal kannnn. Aku pi tuu bersebab lah. ikutkan hati memang aku takmau pi mana2 rasa nk laying on bed all day long sebab hujan tak berenti. But sebab MatLutfi guysssssss! Its MatLutfi. Gila punya ramai orang dekat MPH. I mean, ramainya girlssssssss! I managed ntk menyelit celah2 orang ramai tu to get the best spot so that I can stare at him (amboi, teruk sungguh). About 10 minutes later, MatLutfi keluaq (tediiiiiaaaaa ceq cakap kedah oi). With long jacket and hoodie and few usherettes, Mat pi tandaih. Pastu dia mai balik and MC pon announced Matlufti to get on the stage. Everyone is cheering OMG budak2 sekolah sungguh hangpa ni. But then mesti org len pon ingat aku student kolej sebab badan tak jauh beza macam budak2 jugak ahahaha. I taktau nk describe gena sebab since Sem 1 UITM dok tgk video dia pastu ni first time seeing him in real (not really face-to-face lah sbb jauh, ramai ceq oi!). Time dia keluaq tu muka aku automatik senyum , aku tak tipu.
Ekceli if entry ni ditulis pada hari kejadian (semalam 13/12/15) mungkin entry ini looks more exciting and more happening. But today my enthusiasm level dah menurun abit lah sebab Mat announced dia getting married by next year InsyaALLAH. Mat ckp "tudiaaa tgk semua muka-muka hampa (kecewa) semua ni". Trust me, majority girls yang datang mmg broken heart. Habiskan study dulu adik-adik ! Ahahahaha.
Okay aku ekceli malas nk cerita panjang-panjang. Aku bg gambaq dgn caption berjela cukup lah naaah. Have a look !
Hurmmmm, how do I start this eh? Well yesterday I went to MPH Nu Sentral. Alone. Sebab Mira malas keluar coz of new LRT fare yang kinda bullshit tu. Alahai, if JB & Ipoh aku boleh pi sengsorang, setakat Nu Sentral ape de hal kannnn. Aku pi tuu bersebab lah. ikutkan hati memang aku takmau pi mana2 rasa nk laying on bed all day long sebab hujan tak berenti. But sebab MatLutfi guysssssss! Its MatLutfi. Gila punya ramai orang dekat MPH. I mean, ramainya girlssssssss! I managed ntk menyelit celah2 orang ramai tu to get the best spot so that I can stare at him (amboi, teruk sungguh). About 10 minutes later, MatLutfi keluaq (tediiiiiaaaaa ceq cakap kedah oi). With long jacket and hoodie and few usherettes, Mat pi tandaih. Pastu dia mai balik and MC pon announced Matlufti to get on the stage. Everyone is cheering OMG budak2 sekolah sungguh hangpa ni. But then mesti org len pon ingat aku student kolej sebab badan tak jauh beza macam budak2 jugak ahahaha. I taktau nk describe gena sebab since Sem 1 UITM dok tgk video dia pastu ni first time seeing him in real (not really face-to-face lah sbb jauh, ramai ceq oi!). Time dia keluaq tu muka aku automatik senyum , aku tak tipu.
Ekceli if entry ni ditulis pada hari kejadian (semalam 13/12/15) mungkin entry ini looks more exciting and more happening. But today my enthusiasm level dah menurun abit lah sebab Mat announced dia getting married by next year InsyaALLAH. Mat ckp "tudiaaa tgk semua muka-muka hampa (kecewa) semua ni". Trust me, majority girls yang datang mmg broken heart. Habiskan study dulu adik-adik ! Ahahahaha.
Okay aku ekceli malas nk cerita panjang-panjang. Aku bg gambaq dgn caption berjela cukup lah naaah. Have a look !
Sempoi, slumber and loqlaq. Just like in the videos. But very honest too !
Takat ni jaa my cikai handphone boleh zoom. Bloody hell punya Alcatel !
Actually I took lots of photos waktu Mat on the stage tapi aku boh 3 ja lah naaa
Nonenonenoneeee, sesi soal jawab with fans and few talks and everything pastu tibalah masa yg dinanti-nanti : nak autograph kat buku Momen2 MatLutfi. This is his second book after Catatan Mat Lutfi. I prefer the first book, more sense of humor and less stress. Buku Mat yang kedua ni lebih serius dan panjang sangat aih aku tak habis hadam lagi.
Aku punyalah nervous nak mampoih time beratoq nak mintak sain dia hangpa tau dakkk. Nervous macam nak kena baca ikrar kat perhimpunan. Gila ! Nervous macam apa lagi adohai. Pastu aku hulur buku aku dan bg salam, amboi sangat. Aku cakap ''hi, I'm from Langkawi". Pastu Mat cakap "awat tak cakap Kedah?' Aku sengih jaa laa sebab aku nervous woi nak reply pon aku rasa macam nak tumbuk dada sendiri sebab jantung berdegup kencang. Now aku thankful gila to my cikai Alcatel phone sbb gambaq mmg tak berkualiti. Ni kalau clear ni nanti nampak aku blushing pulokkk. kahkahkah !
If time nak mintak autograph tu aku nervous macam baru lepas marathon, ni time bergambaq aku macam parkinson (serius aku tak tipu). Aku rasa orang2 kat bawah stage buleh nampak kot tangan aku shaking gila waktu pose cenggini. Ya Tuhan, sungguh ketaq tangan aku macam baru lepas committed a crime. Dasyat, sungguh dasyat !
Haa laa gambaq gegaq pon nak boh laa biaq pi ni blog kami. Bukan blog hangpaaa. Ni kalau Mat tgk pon dia akan kata "takpa aih, ni baru art!" kehkehkeh !
This is the photo which I took after aku turun from that stage. Tangan masih ketaq tak upaya.
After took few (lots) more photos aku pon beredar balik lah. Sampai rumah, aku jerit kat roomate aku "Neyli, kte dapat sign Matlutfi" sambil dancing around. Ok tipu je tak dance pon tapi happy gila.
To Matlutfi: teruskan buat videos yang bermanfaat & lawak loqlaq hang tu. Kirim salam kat AG nahh !
This is the first Mat's video yang aku tengok. After that tak pernah bosan to watch his videos.
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Gadis Jolobu
So this is Ainur Safia & me. We've been friends since Standard One in Sek Keb Undang Jelebu (1997-2002). Memang sekelas since Darjah 1 tapi tak rapat sangat coz aku dak Penjara so aku kawan dgn budak2 Penjara je ahahaha. Then after UPSR kan boleh datang sekolah main congkak bagai, so we've played dam haji. Sparing partner lah kiranya. We took it seriously sampai bila kalah aku rasa pissed off nya ahahaha. But then itu yg buat kami rapat. Then bila result kuar she got 5A's and I got 4A's 1B (obviously my Math is B). She went to MRSM kat mana I dun remember. I was still in Jelebu. But since then kami keep in touch mmg via birthday cards only. She sends me birthday present sometimes. Last time kan got no Whatsapp, handphone mmg takde ah. Email? Form 1 aku tak reti lg menatang tu semua. I cant remember ada kaa dak aku send kad raya for her but birthday cards mmg hantar (almost) without failed. Pastu from Jelebu I moved to Penjara Tapah then now kat Penjara Langkawi. Just recently she came back from Barcelona, Spain (she studied there for 4 years). Aku pulak kat UiTM. Thanks to FB/Twitter/Goodreads/and this blog of course! Text each other just to talk about books (and girls stuffs like celebrity crush etc LOL). Last month (Nov) Alhamdulillah we managed to meet up (face-to-face) *kissing cheek and hugs!. Its a not-so-last minute plan actually. One of our classmates kat SKUJ dulu got married in Jelebu. I guess its time for me to go back to Jelebu though. Imagine, since I left Jelebu in 2004 aku tak pernah dah jejak sana. WHOOOOAAA! its super long okay. Now she's working in KL and stay nearby my place plus we have our favorite bookstore just a steps away so that's it. Gonna be lots of bff-date at the bookstore and book cafe ;)
So yang di atas tu semua my classmate kat SK Undang Jelebu dulu. This is my first time meet with them after 11 years ! Sebab depa mmg from Jelebu and they're family mmg in Jelebu. Its just me yang pindah. So good to see them ;) Most of us in Puchong, PJ, Kepong, Banting etc..Its time for another girls gathering, guys !
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
woooohooooo !
I was wondering if I ever have more time to read,
If I have more money for books and traveling,
If I have more courage to try new things,
If I have the guts to make sure all my bucket list are checked
But then I realized,
Me myself have to make time for reading purposes
Me myself have to earn for traveling and my own library,
Me myself have to force this body and clear my mind,
Me myself have to challenge the biggest enemy, which is ME.
There is no specific time for something. You will never get ready for a new thing. Just do it. And live your live to the fullest
If I have more money for books and traveling,
If I have more courage to try new things,
If I have the guts to make sure all my bucket list are checked
But then I realized,
Me myself have to make time for reading purposes
Me myself have to earn for traveling and my own library,
Me myself have to force this body and clear my mind,
Me myself have to challenge the biggest enemy, which is ME.
There is no specific time for something. You will never get ready for a new thing. Just do it. And live your live to the fullest
Monday, 7 December 2015
I went for lunch with my colleagues just now. Pilih sambal udang & petai, kerabu mangga and masak lemak labu (tolonglah mengaku korang terliur jugak dgn lauk2 ni). Then I walked straight to the counter. After paying the bills, cuba teka aku nampak siapa.
Its Andy from Estranged ! OMG guys, he's like my celebrity crush since I was in school kot. *insert cupid arrow here*
Coz when talking about music, I was into the drummer idk hehehe. Drummer is so sexy and cool okay. That's why I have crush towards Andy (Estranged drummer) & Adil Rahman (7Collar Tshirt drummer).
Okay back to the topic. After I pay for my food, ape lagi I keep staring at him lah ahahahaha. Call me gedik idc ! Senyum sampai ke telinga amboi snagat. Idk lah whether he notice or not, I just dun care.
Then I was looking for place to sit. Suddenly saw him walking towards my place.
*baling bunga ke udara*
Of course lah he is not trying to come to me. But luckily my seat is just a few steps from him. Lalalalala. Estranged buat came back recently tapi itulah they did mention that Andy was no longer with them. I wasnt really sad coz I like that tall drummer only, not the band.
Watching him walked away alahai feels like okay goodbye darl. I bet he must be working dekat building sebelah (Celcom Tower Jln Semarak). Maybe, I guess. Then I saw him lepaking at Gloria Jeans kat lobby office den. Ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi. muahahaha.
I can be this excited when bumped into my fav rock band members etcc. Last time when I went to Ipoh I saw Adil Rahman (drummer 7 Collar Tshirt). No wonder lah macam familiar its him! ahahaha. Okay maybe I should stop this. Since Adil pon already married and have a baby.
Lets stalk other drummer ! ohyeahhhh.
This entry is stupid, I know I know. Buts hey I can write anything I want kan?
Be safe ! Take care ;)
Its Andy from Estranged ! OMG guys, he's like my celebrity crush since I was in school kot. *insert cupid arrow here*
Coz when talking about music, I was into the drummer idk hehehe. Drummer is so sexy and cool okay. That's why I have crush towards Andy (Estranged drummer) & Adil Rahman (7Collar Tshirt drummer).
Okay back to the topic. After I pay for my food, ape lagi I keep staring at him lah ahahahaha. Call me gedik idc ! Senyum sampai ke telinga amboi snagat. Idk lah whether he notice or not, I just dun care.
Then I was looking for place to sit. Suddenly saw him walking towards my place.
*baling bunga ke udara*
Of course lah he is not trying to come to me. But luckily my seat is just a few steps from him. Lalalalala. Estranged buat came back recently tapi itulah they did mention that Andy was no longer with them. I wasnt really sad coz I like that tall drummer only, not the band.
Watching him walked away alahai feels like okay goodbye darl. I bet he must be working dekat building sebelah (Celcom Tower Jln Semarak). Maybe, I guess. Then I saw him lepaking at Gloria Jeans kat lobby office den. Ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi. muahahaha.
I can be this excited when bumped into my fav rock band members etcc. Last time when I went to Ipoh I saw Adil Rahman (drummer 7 Collar Tshirt). No wonder lah macam familiar its him! ahahaha. Okay maybe I should stop this. Since Adil pon already married and have a baby.
Lets stalk other drummer ! ohyeahhhh.
This entry is stupid, I know I know. Buts hey I can write anything I want kan?
Be safe ! Take care ;)
Lintah darat terhormat.
Mereka 'ahlong' kelas terhormat.
Mereka kata nak tolong kita berjimat
Tapi mereka macam lintah darat
Mereka punca rakyat melarat.
Last time it was only RM2.40, man !!!!!!!
After a week dekat Johor for outstaion , came bak to KL and this bad news really pissed me off !
Feels like maki but then I realized there's no point cursing to those who are stupid coz they're just don't care. Banyak sungguh tambang naik, mendadak sangat pulak tu. Adohai. Like I said, I want to curse them with the most bad stuff that I can say tapi no point kan. May ALLAH ease everything for me.
*I wanna dedicate F**k The System - System Of A Down to them.
You know who.
Monday, 23 November 2015
No strings attached
"weh kau buat apa tu? Sorrylah kalau aku kacau kau baca buku. Actually ada something aku nak bagitau kau. Hope you dont mind. Jangan tumbuk aku pulak bila kita jumpa esok. Eemmmm aku sebenarnya suka dekat kau weh. Aku selesa dengan kau. They way you being yourself and your honesty. Kau tak pernah nak acah-acah feminin (pls dont be one!). Kau sempoi je ikut cara kau. Aku harap kau tak marah aku confess benda ni. Hopefully esok kau still akan show up kat tempat biasa kita jumpa, ok. Take care weh !"
Naurah masih terkebil-kebil memandang skrin telefon bimbitnya. Mesej berjela yang diterima dari Azhar menerusi Whatsapp telah dibaca berkali-kali. Masih terkedu dengan pengakuan dari Azhar. Tidak disangka selama ini Azhar menaruh perasaan terhadapnya. Naurah dan Azhar telah lama berkawan rapat. Azhar lah tempat Naurah mengadu soal kepayahannya untuk fokus terhadap kerjaya dan pelajarannya. Azhar lah yang sudi to lend his ears whenever Naurah sedang berperang dengan emosi sendiri. Azhar lah yang setia menjadi peneman Naurah kemana sahaja pesta buku yang ingin dilawatinya.
"Tak sangka selama ni aku rapat dengan dia, dia mula suka kat aku. Alamak apa aku nak buat ni", monolog Naurah dalam hati.
Sebagai seorang yang berusia 27 tahun dan masih bujang, soal hati dan perasaan memang sudah menjadi bualan teman-teman sepejabat dengannya. Tak kurang juga dengan teman sekuliah tempat Naurah membuat PJJ. Rata-ratanya sudah berkahwin. Bukan tidak pernah terlintas niat untuk berpasangan tetapi Naurah lebih selesa untuk berkawan. Prinsipnya cuma satu. Kawan akan kekal sebagai kawan. Jika ada antara kawan lelakinya yang seakan mahu go to the next level, pasti Naurah akan mula menjauhkan diri. Kadang-kadang Naurah sendiri tidak faham bila bicara soal hati. Inginkan teman tetapi tak berani untuk memberi peluang kepada sesiapa pun.
"Apa aku patut balas kat Ja'a ni?Hurm serabut lah".
Lantas aplikasi Whatsapp dibuka. Naurah menyusun ayat sebaiknya.....
To be continued....
Monday, 19 October 2015
Muhasabah. Istiqamah
Click here !
If so, lets us all praying hard and seek help from ALLAH SWT. Moga kita terhindar dari fitnah Dajal.
I feel so sad. Speechless. Don't know how to react once dah baca about this. As a Muslims, we are all know that kita kena persiapkan diri for akhirat. Hari Pembalasan itu nyata. ALLAH pasti akan balas segala apa yg kita buat atas muka bumi ni. Lets muhasabah diri.
1. Adakah kita khatam Al-Quran for the sake of nak khatam only? Lets try to understand setiap baris ayat suci surat cinta dari ALLAH ;)
2. Kita makan terlalu mewah setiap hari. Tapi kita lupa ramai yang masih lagi menahan lapar setiap hari and starving to death. Lets puasa sunat ;)
3. Solat di awal waktu. How come kita lengah-lengahkan solat but expect ALLAH makbulkan doa kita on time?
4. Aurat before fashion. Tak perlu berlebihan dalam berfesyen, asalkan menutup aurat dan terpelihara.
5. Jangan terlalu lalai dengan hiburan duniawi. Ya ALLAH, lirik lagu barat kita boleh hafal. Tapi bila surah-surah dlm Al-Quran?
Semua ni lebih kepada self reminder sebenarnya. Bak kata Da'i Hamidah, kita semua pendosa yang mahu ke syurga.
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
She is not running away.
She just took a step back.
She wanna prove that people only cared when their loved one is no longer with them.
She wanna prove that people only feel appreciated when they leave.
She took the risk.
She took a step back.
She kept silent.
She fake her presence.
She pretend like she don't care.
Poor little girl.
The one she hope would give attention to her actually already turned away.
He don't care.
He don't even feel that she's away
And the most critical part is
He didnt noticed that she loves him so much.
That he broke her heart.
And she will never come back.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
May this entry can help us to muhasabah ourselves and may ALLAH bless us all. This morning when I scrolled down the news feed in Facebook, ternampak satu post kat Backpackers Malaysia.
Post tu lebih kurang cenggini "bila kita nk travel berjam-jam awalnya kita dah get ready kat airport. Tapi bila time azan, adakah kita dah siap sedia diri kita untuk bersolat?
Kita nak pi travel macam-macam pakaian cantik2 yang kita nak bawak. Preparation mantap takmau tinggal apa pon. Adakah kita buat persediaan serupa bila nk bersolat?
Aku rasa macam terkena tamparan yang maha kuat. Sebelum tu, Al-Fatihah kepada para jemaah haji yang terkorban dalam tradegi kren tumbang baru-baru ni. Semoga ALLAH tempatkan kalian dalam kalangan para syuhada dan dirahmati oleh NYA. Takziah juga pada warga Palestin, Masjid Al-Aqsa diserang lagi oleh tentera Israel. Allahuakbar ! Takziah juga pada pelarian Syria. Belum selesai malsah pelarian Rohingnya sekarang timbul kisah pelarian Muslim yang lain pula. Sebak sungguh bila kenangkan macam-macam perkara yang terjadi pada umat Islam seluruh dunia. Isu Islamophobia pon belum tamat sejak tragedi 11 September.
Kat mana kekuatan kita? Al Quran pon jarang-jarang dibaca. Solat selalu bila nak habis waktu. Hiburan keterlaluan. Aurat terbuka dan tak terjaga. Pergaulan bebas lelaki dan wanita.
Lets muhasabah. Ayuh perbaiki diri. Sesungguhnya peringatan ini untuk diri sendiri juga yang selalu leka. Duniawi tiada apa-apa. Semoga akhirat dan balasan yang lebih baik akan menanti kita disana. Aminn ya ALLAH ;)
Sunday, 16 August 2015
Travelog: ipoh mali
Dear Ipoh. With a very limited budget I will conquer you! RM 26 in my purse, RM5 in my coin-box and withdraw RM100 from my saving account. Misi solo travel to Ipoh ala-ala Destinasi Bajet, gittewww. Can I survive with this amount of money? We'll see. Hey ho lets go!
Saturday 8 August 2015
5 minutes more before the train boarding to Ipoh. I try to withdraw as fast as I can once I heard the announcement of train to Ipoh akan berlepas on 7am. OMG ! Faster ATM pls hurry. I ran as fast as I could to the platform and greet the staff ''Selamat pagi" and gasping for air. Running with a quite heavy backpack behind my back is seriously not an easy task I tell you.
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View from my window, inside the train. |
Arrived at Ipoh aroun 9.22 am. Walked out from the train station and stood still and wander around about 10 minutes try to analyze the place ahaha. I have no idea where to go. All I know was to go to Ipoh Oldtown, but which way should I take? After I asked one old uncle, I finally started my journey. First, lets search for the mural arts. Walked alone is not a big deal for me so I walked slowly from one block to another building. Its quite tiring because the weather is blazing hot and I haven't eat anything since morning ! With the heavy backpack which I also don't know wth am I carrying at the moment. Since that was the first time I went to Ipoh oldtown, I just look around searching for the mural arts. By the time reach 11am I feel tired already lorr hahaha. I took out a piece of paper from my backpack which has the address and booking details about my hostel. I stopped at one of the travel agency and asked about the address of my hostel which I already booked. I figured out that the hostel is quite far which is impossible to walk there. Okay, since the budget is limited I have to break the rules. I called one of my friend Iema and ask whether I can sleep over at her house for a night. She was shocked when I tell her that I was in Ipoh, as no one know about my plan. I tried to keep it as secret as I can. Looks like the plan can go to the drain right now. LOL. But I have to wait until 5pm so that Iema can come and fetch me. As to buy time, I continue walking and start cursing my stupid phone because every time I saw the mural art, I couldn't took nice photo of it (seriously need an Iphone, eh).
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Nice weather but a bit hot |
Suddenly I found Plan B! AAAAAAAA so awesome weh. Feel like dancing. I don't have any intention to makan there. But if you Google the interesting places in Ipoh sure Plan B is one of them. I'll tell you why okay. Sabajap, Bila kau explore Plan B its like explore the old building tapi sangat cool coz got lots of pokok there, very windy, got one section full of books also. Heaven on earth! Jalan-jalan lagi and I've found Bits & Bops. The stall that sold Ais Kepal. Oh super nice but I tak beli pon coz its RM3, oh so expensive. Its just ice and syrup. Baik beli Magnum kahkah. Next time lah come again bawak duit banyak sikit okay. Pastu ternampak signage Burps & Giggles ya ampunnnn suka hati nya aku *baling bunga ke udara* . Laju-laju menapak few steps to the cafe. The decorations is super cool, I told Iema about this place dia taktau. ish rugi sungguh, dok Ipoh tp tak explore. I entered the cafe and cuci mata looking at the handmade craft pastu keluar. Tapi lapar. Hurm memang time untuk lunch patutlah lapaq teruk. I asked the lady at the counter whether I can look at the menu first. She's really helpful and friendly. Ordered pasta and ice mocha. yummy ! so mouth-watering. I enjoyed my food and my me-time there. Something that I love to do. Finished my food around 12.30 but feel so lazy to walk out. I took out my book (Adventures of 2 Girls) and started reading. After few line dah mula mengantuk hahaha. Super kenyang, environment super comfy apa lagi, memang super sleepy. Okay lah after bermalas-malasan I walked out from the cafe. Yasmin Ahmad Museum, here I come !
Yasmin Ahmad Museum ni memang area Plan B, Burps & Biggles jugak. In the same compound. Very convenient coz no need to jalan so jauh aku dah penat okay. The entrance fee is just RM3 but its worth it, really! You'll get something more than that. When I entered this room I figured out that I'm the only one here since the aunt yang jaga tempat ni cakap tadi ramai dah keluar. Its fne with me. After took few selfies (glad that no one is around, I'm bad when it comes to snap selfies shot) pergi dari satu frame gambar to another and read the caption as well. How I missed her masterpiece. idk why suddenly my heart feel so sad terkenangkan arwah Yasmin Ahmad padahal tak kenal each other pon. Trust me, you'll feel the same way as I do if you're here. Touched. Sebak. Most of us grown up with her commercial, ads especially during festive season. Sinonim sangat Yasmin Ahmad dan iklan Petronas. Iklan Hari Merdeka dan banyak lagi. Semua power sebab semuanya menusuk kalbu & mesej tu sampai, if you know what I mean. Aku lepak there dua jam lebih jugak rasanya watching all the collection iklan2 yang arwah bikin dahulu. Lepastu hujan renyai-renyai lah pulak. Macam faham je hati tengah syahd-syahdu ni hehehe romantis sungguh. Punya lah aku excited tengok tayangan iklan raya dulu-dulu sampai aku menjerit sengsorang "lama gila tak tengok iklan ni woi!".
Al-Fatihah untuk arwah.
5pm. Iema is coming to fetch me. Now I have to walk from this oldtown to the railway station. Adoi nak kena jalan lagi. Die laa like this. Ipoh, unlocked! Next stop, Penang wooohoooo ;)
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Yasmin At Kong Heng |
Al-Fatihah untuk arwah.
5pm. Iema is coming to fetch me. Now I have to walk from this oldtown to the railway station. Adoi nak kena jalan lagi. Die laa like this. Ipoh, unlocked! Next stop, Penang wooohoooo ;)
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Aween solo travel, unlocked ! (walaupun sehari je solo, sebab Ahad ada teman) |
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Err, hi ?
Hello. 6 Syawal 1436H.
I'm back my dear blog, I'm back ! Lots of things to share, like seriously a LOT !
Slowly okay. Just wanna say hi. I love you, blog. Let me get things settle accordingly, first. I'll get back to you.
I'm back my dear blog, I'm back ! Lots of things to share, like seriously a LOT !
Slowly okay. Just wanna say hi. I love you, blog. Let me get things settle accordingly, first. I'll get back to you.
Padu tangan ke udara. Umpama baru terlepas dan bebas dari kepompong lama.
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